JET Blogs

There are literally 1000’s of JET Blogs available. We provide a small sample of those available plus links to other JET blog list pages, including some vlogs (video blogs), photo journals and podcasts as well. Please note that some of these come and go quickly and it’s hard to keep them up to date. Please advise us if you find a ‘dead’ blog.

Want to add your blog? Contact us with the details.

JET blogger Hall of Fame (all now ex-JETs)

Avoiding Life – Fantastic Site. Captures JET through a video blog from Aomori Ken with lots of pictures and links to other Aomori bloggers. – ‘Everybody’s Situation is Different’. This is an alternative and amusing look at the quirks of life in Japan and on the JET Program through a series of cartoon strips.

Blog Browsers

Niigata JET Blog Browser (v1.1): A series of blogs in Niigata-ken, some now out of date.

New listings

Teatime in Nagasaki: The musings of a Welsh girl currently living in Nagasaki.

Zarbaraki:A former British ALT in Ibaraki, now based in Tokyo. The continuing experiences of a JET after finishing the program and working as a salarywoman

Tottori, Tottori: A second year ALT in Tottori City – the least populated prefecture in Japan.

Barefoot Global: A first year JET in rural Nara blogging about their travels and time in Japan.

Cancer in the Rice Field: A Jet’s Time in Rural Japan, While Battling Cancer.

I’m Bully Adventures: A second year ALT in Saga Prefecture.

Life Out There: Just your average village derpbag based in Tokyo who likes anime, manga, and photography.

The Japanese Role Playing Game: A JET in rural Shichikashuku, Miyagi, without a convenience store, train, or game store in sight.

Want your JET blog or JET journal here? Send us your blog details. Please also place a link back to us (sample below). An email to say thank you is also appreciated!

Sample Blogs (current as of July 2015)

Anna-chan in Japan: A second-year JET in Tochigi-ken featuring information on life in Japan, tips and advice on being accepted on (and enjoying) the JET Programme, and travel around Japan.

Semi Japanese: An Americanized half-Japanese woman’s experience living in countryside Japan.

Fuku Rico: The experiences and insight of a Fukuoka JET from America.

Seratonin: Because there’s never enough crazy in the world – About a Kiwi journey to become an ALT in Hyogo.

Iggy In Japan: Dreams and Thoughts of a Singaporean Indian Vegetarian Theatre Girl on the JET Programme in Toyama-ken.

Memoirs of a Gaijin: A red lipstick loving, coffee drinking, nerdy, wordy, adventurer from NZ on the JET Programme.

Many Cardigans: An aspiring potter, avid reader and tea enthusiast returned to Japan for a second time. She blogs on her experiences living in the inaka and her life outside of class in Fukushima.

A Walk in Japan: An informative blog from a US JET based on Awaji Island

A Touch of Sun in Every Taste: The memories of a Denver JET living in South-West Hokkaido

The Beauty of Existence: A multilingual and well travelled first year JET, graduate of Alabama University. (Fukuoka Prefecture)

Running Talk: A keen runner from the UK sets up as a JET in Kyoto Prefecture

Eleanors Japanese Adventure: Blog from a Scottish JET about little known places and what rural Japanese life is like. (Fukui Prefecture)

Japan, snowboarding, tattoos, and food: Rad adventures from a JET and a Spouse. (Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture)

You, me, and a tanuki: A blog about two food lovers’ quest to satisfying their insatiable hunger in a place filled with tanuki.

Nihonomnom: A early 2012 placement in Kobe-shi from Australia

Of Kangaroos & Kappas: An Australian JET in Aichi

Gaijin Pablo: A well travelled mid-20’s JET from Trinidad and Tobago, based in Osaka

Made in Matsue: a CIR from rural Ireland in ‘big city’ Matsue (Shimane)

The Lobster Dance: An American living in rural Japan

Mel’s Adventures in Japan: Ramblings on living and teaching English in Northern Japan (Aomori Prefecture, Towada City) with the JET Program

Surviving in Japan: a Japan survival guide. Here you’ll find unique resources and how-to’s whether you’re moving to Japan or an experienced resident.

Australian ski club style lodge in Akakura Onsen, Myoko

The Archive – former JET blogs

Contemplative Cocoa: by Mel Bush – formerly in Shizuoka

A Wild Snorlax Appears: A former Nara JET ALT

Sushiless: The blog of a 22-year-old Brit who lived in the countryside of Gunma, Japan.

Sinead’s Japan Adventure: An Irish girl formerly in a very rural town in Mie prefecture

Englishman in Nyu-gun – The life of a senior high school JET in a little town called Asahi, Fukui ken.

Happy in Hokkaido – by Michael Snyder in Hokkaido

Jason’s Launching Over Japan – by Jason Hill in Iwate

SeanP Blog – by Sean Barry in Gunma

Mardi John – by John Gainor in Hokkaido

GT in Japan – by Geoffrey Tsoi in Tokyo

Joshua Zimmerman’s Journal – This journal covers quite a bit of time before he went onto the JET program and over the next five years (departing in April 2010).

YesICanUseChopsticks.Com – This journal holds a wide variety of information about a JET who was stationed in Fukushima. He arrived in 2002 and at the end of his 3 year term on JET decided to teach in Japan professionally. The journal entries are long and frequent and give some insight about living and teaching in Japan.

Sensei and Sensibility – Insightful dairy of a JET in Ikuno, Hyogo prefecture

Spicy Gyoza – Fun and alternative dairy of a JET in Fukushima.

Find the best deal, compare prices & read what others say about travelling Japan

Mboogiedown: Japan – Gaijin Girl discovers Japanland! The adventures of an American JET (in words and pictures) stranded between nowhere and somewhere, Gifu, Japan

45 Degrees North – Odd thoughts on Hokkaido rural life from a socially disturbed American JET.

ShimaneStars – A blog on the life and tales of a new ALT in the mountains and inaka of Shimane prefecture, Japan

Scott and Vicky in Japan – Two engaged JETs share their adventure

Erin in the Land of Wa – A Japanese/Irish Canadian girl pays a visit to the motherland.

Josh in Japan – Josh’s JET adventure in rural Kumamoto-Ken. Includes some great photos

JET Vlogs and JET apartment videos

Warriorwannab: This JET in Fukushima has uploaded vlogs from before she got accepted to the JET Programme and has many current vlogs from matsuri to daily life

Travel4Whit’s JET Diaries: A great set of video diaries that can really give you a feel for Japan and the JET program. It can really show you what ‘culture shock’ means and how to overcome it. Over 64 videos some of them closing in on the 10min mark or even longer. You will need to go to the ‘oldest’ videos and watch them in reverse chronological order.

Tokyo Cooney’s Life in Tokyo: This is a video blog covering over two years of Cooney’s life in Tokyo. He came to Japan as an English teacher and is now a writer/actor/comedian. While not about the JET program it does have another perspective on living and working in Japan. Over 84 videos with a median length of about 10 minutes Cooney’s videos have even made appearances on the Travel channel.

Blue Blanky Productions: A collection of videos from a JET in Japan. I especially recommend the ‘A Day in the Life in Japan’ and ‘Fun Things to do in Japan’ play lists. As well as his ‘Why I like living in Japan’ video. He is also quite into the Oita music scene.

Myargonaut’s Apartment Tour: This is a tour of Myargonaut’s apartment in Shimane. You can find many of his useful JET blogs below.

Myargonaut’s JET Vlogs: A series of vlogs done by a 4th year JET named Jason who goes over many of the basics of the JET program. The videos are geared towards providing new JETs insight into the experience and to help them prepare for their years teaching in Japan. Topics cover everything from contraception to sweat towels.

JoshuaZ’s Apartment Tours 1.0 and 2.0: JET Apartments shown by JoshuaZ, 1.0 has three JET apartments shown and 2.0 has a more in depth look at JoshuaZ’s own apartment after its been a bit more furnished.

Gifu JET Apartment: A very quick tour of an apartment, the user hosting this has many other video clips of Japan. I did not list them in the Journals section because they were very short. But if you are interested they could provide some insight into Japan such as getting hot corn soup in a soda can from vending machines.

Akita JET Apartment: An Akita JETs apartment video to her successor.

Miyazaki JET Apartment: A tour of a JETs apartment. Annoying zooming at times but you may find it informative.

JET vlogs – by a 4th year ALT in Shimane-ken

JET Podcasts

English Teaching in Japan: Over the past few years this podcast has had a wealth of information about living and teaching in Japan. They tend to talk about certain subjects rather than doing a recording of any one person’s experience.

JET 2007 Podcast – by JET Podcast in Fukui

JET Photo blogs

Samurai’s Two Years in Japan: A JETs photo album covering his two years in Japan. Many beautiful pictures that can give you an idea what Japan looks like.

Surviving in Japan: Some good photos

Want your blog or journal here? Send us your blog details

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